Skunked! Calpurnia Tate, girl vet

"When Travis discovers an abandoned baby skunk, he can't help but bring it home and take care of it. Stinky, as Travis names him, settles in pretty well. But when Travis discovers Stinky's litter-mate, Winky, who is in need of some help, things get complicated around the Tate house&qu...

Full description

Main Author: Kelly, Jacqueline (Author)
Other Authors: Meyer, Jennifer L. (Illustrator)
Format: Books Print Book
Language: English
Published: New York : Henry Holt and Company, 2016.
Edition: First edition.
Series: Calpurnia Tate, girl vet ; 1.
Summary: "When Travis discovers an abandoned baby skunk, he can't help but bring it home and take care of it. Stinky, as Travis names him, settles in pretty well. But when Travis discovers Stinky's litter-mate, Winky, who is in need of some help, things get complicated around the Tate house"--Provided by publisher.
Physical Description: 106 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 9781627798686
Author Notes: Jacqueline Kelly won the Newbery Honor for her first book, The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate. She was born in New Zealand and raised in Canada, in the dense rainforests of Vancouver Island. Her family then moved to El Paso, Texas, and Kelly attended college in El Paso, then went on to medical school in Galveston. After practicing medicine for many years, she went to law school at the University of Texas, and after several years of law practice, realized she wanted to write fiction. Her first story was published in the Mississippi Review in 2001. She now makes her home with her husband and various cats and dogs in Austin and Fentress, Texas.