
This action drama follows Lucas Hood, an ex-convict who improbably becomes sheriff of a rural, Amish-area town while searching for a woman he last saw 15 years ago, when he gave himself up to police to let her escape after a jewel heist. Living in Banshee under an assumed name, Carrie Hopewell is no...

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Main Authors: Tropper, Jonathan (Creator, Screenwriter), Schickler, David (Creator, Screenwriter)
Other Authors: Cross, Ben (Actor), Starr, Antony, 1975- (Actor), Milicevic, Ivana, 1974- (Actor), Thomsen, Ulrich (Actor), Faison, Frankie (Actor), Servitto, Matt, 1965- (Actor), Shane, Ryann (Actor), Blackwell, Rus, 1963- (Actor), Lee, Hoon, 1973- (Actor), Simmons, Lili, 1993- (Actor), Rauch, Matthew (Actor), Pelphrey, Tom (Actor), Coy, Chris, 1986- (Actor)
Format: Videos DVD Binge Box DVD
Language: English
Published: [United States] : HBO Home Entertainment, [2016]
Series: Banshee (Television program)
Table of Contents:
  • Season 1.
  • Disc 1.
  • Pilot
  • The Rave.
  • Disc 2.
  • Meet the new boss
  • Half dead is better than all dead
  • The kindred.
  • Disc 3.
  • Wicks
  • Behold a pale rider
  • We shall live forever.
  • Disc 4.
  • Always the cowboy
  • A mixture of madness.
  • Season 2.
  • Little fish
  • The thunder man
  • The warrior class
  • Bloodlines
  • The truth about unicorns
  • Armies of one
  • Ways to bury a man
  • Evil for evil
  • Homecoming
  • Bullets and tears.
  • Season 3.
  • Disc one.
  • The fire trials
  • Snakes and whatnot.
  • Disc two.
  • A fixer of sorts
  • Real life is the nightmare
  • Tribal.
  • Disc three.
  • We were all someone else yesterday
  • You can't hide from the dead
  • All the wisdom I got left.
  • Disc four.
  • Even God doesn't know what to make of you
  • We all pay eventually.
  • Season 4.
  • Disc 1.
  • Something out of the Bible
  • The burden of beauty
  • Job.
  • Disc 2.
  • Innocent might be a bit of a stretch
  • A little late to grow a pair
  • Only one way a dogfight ends.
  • Disc 3.
  • Truths other than the ones you tell yourself
  • Requiem.