American girl

"Charlie Hudson, an autistic 17-year-old, is determined to leave Sawyer, PA as soon as she graduates high school -- in the meantime, she works as many hours as she can at a sandwich shop called The Triple S to save money for college. But when shop owner Clay Cooper -- a man who is both respecte...

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Main Author: Walker, Wendy, 1967-
Format: Books Print Book
Language: English
Published: Ashland, OR : Blackstone Publishing, 2023.
Summary: "Charlie Hudson, an autistic 17-year-old, is determined to leave Sawyer, PA as soon as she graduates high school -- in the meantime, she works as many hours as she can at a sandwich shop called The Triple S to save money for college. But when shop owner Clay Cooper -- a man who is both respected and feared by many in this economically depressed community -- is found dead, each member of his staff becomes a suspect in the perplexing case. Charlie must work to protect herself and her friends, and uncover the danger that may still be at large in their tightknit community. Based on the #1 bestselling audio, American Girl is a riveting thriller told through the eyes of an unforgettable protagonist." -- Jacket flap
Physical Description: 272 pages
ISBN: 9798212409827